Friday, July 8, 2011

From Midnight in Paris to Today in Hollywood

1920's literary giants in Paris. Disheartened Hollywood writer played by Owen Wilson. Time Travel. Woody Allen sensibility. Smart. Whimsy. I can't stop thinking about it since I saw it a few weeks ago. A must.

Title/opening credits roll. White typography on a black screen - it has to be Woody Allen. That old familiar feel; whether nostalgia or mere fetish, it's certainly brand establishment. 

Font/Type: Windsor typeface, circa 1905. Woody Allen's go to/signature typeface. He has used this type in the opening credits of just about all his movies since the late 1970's. It appears first in 1977 with Annie Hall.
image credit to

Others before me have certainly written about this - for more to this and for more title sequence images, go here.

Oh, and Windsor in Hollywood -  Kate and Will arrive there today.


  1. Do you know if/when Orrganics will have a pre-holiday sale this year?

  2. Yes, we will have a pre- holiday sale beginning in late August... I will keep you posted!
