Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't You Love a Royal and Crazy Wedding Hat?!

On my way to witness The Royal Wedding
Settling In

Really, I must get on with the day - car pool time!

If only... a "fascinator" by the creme de la creme milliner Philip Treacy

Reading my blog you may already know that I love hats and I love weddings, so what a fitting combination for me, hats at a wedding - The Royal Wedding.  Hats are a tradition in England and everyone wears them - I wish it were so here in the U.S.
Philip Treacy is the milliner. I adore the bright colors, the shapes and the whimsy on the fabulous hats or better called "fascinators". Two of my favorites are those outrageous and crazy hats/headpieces worn by Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice - especially Eugenie's beige number. It's like an Alice in Wonderland reality show.

Photo from

I wonder how many of the 1900 or so invited guests found that they could not see directly ahead - or to the side for that matter - from their seats. But, given the occasion, while maybe slightly annoyed, they were probably not surprised by any obstructed view.

On the other hand, my view - at home - was digitally perfect and obstructed only momentarily by the orange juice container.

All in all, the pageantry, the fly over, the mindful manners, Kate's romantic and retro looking dress, the men in uniform, suits and or morning coats and then the picture perfect double kiss (making history) was all truly splendid and well worth the early hour!

Oh, and in honor of hats, the first one in with a custom hat motif on a new stationery order will save a pretty pound.

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